Wedding Photographer & Videographer Teams Near Me

Gone are the days of booking all of your suppliers separately, we’ve found that more and more couples are looking for that perfect wedding photographer and videographer team to match styles, work together effectively and save costs.

“Wedding Photographer & Videographer Teams Near Me” is possibly one of the most common search terms we come across. You might have noticed that dedicated teams are few and far between, with the odd few offering a photography and videography combo but only with one person doing both. Our Wedding Team package is the bread and butter of what we offer. It makes up almost 90% of our yearly bookings and quickly sells out due to our offerings of a dedicated photographer and videographer at every wedding who’ve worked together countless times and share a near identical style.

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We know that a lot of modern couples want both photography and videography at their wedding. Finding two separate companies that match in both style & price can be a difficult task. Not to mention that whilst doing a very similar job on the day, work-flows can clash between two people who’ve never met.

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  • The photo & video team has become our most popular package simply due to the fact that it solves all of those issues. We (Cam & Beth) have figured out a workflow to work perfectly in sync while allowing each other to never miss a shot. We travel together, we work together, we edit together for over 70 weddings a year (so we’ve got this nailed to T).

  • Because we work so closely, our photography and videography complement each other completely. Using very similar cameras and the same editing methods while keeping the final look in mind, you won’t have to compromise on style, we’ve got this covered. We’re also one of the only companies to offer a full long cut along side our well-loved highlight cut at no extra cost!

  • While saving an extra £300 instead of booking both separately, it’s an absolute no-brainer if you’re after both photo and video on your wedding day! Not to mention a much smaller deposit of £120 total, giving you more time to save for the big day.

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